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The Top 6 Most Trainable Dog Breeds

Photo by Jus_Ol from

4. Corgi

Queen Elizabeth II, without a doubt, was a big fan of Corgis. During her lifetime, she owned more than 30 dogs of this breed! Corgis are one of the smartest dog breeds in the world, and they are easily trainable. But they also tend to be somewhat rebellious, which is why you need to use a firmer approach.

The good part about these dogs is that their smaller size lets you keep them in an apartment or a smaller home. They don’t mind staying inside and watching the world while sunbathing at the window. However, keep in mind that they need a lot of mental stimulation and playtime.

Corgies were herding dogs, and their main duties were to keep sheep and goats together in order to not get lost. This exercise made them quick-witted dogs that are excellent at learning new things. They love to explore uncharted territories and can’t wait to learn new games.

They have a strong-willed nature, and because of this, you need to have a routine for your tanning and never take long breaks.

Read on if you want to find out what breed is number 1!


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