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15 Foods You Should NEVER Share With Your Dog

Photo by beton studio from Shutterstock

Persimmons, peaches, and plums

The major problem with these fruits is the seeds and pits, as seeds from persimmons are known to cause problems in a dog’s small intestine.

In fact, they might suffer from blocked intestines. But persimmon seeds aren’t the only troublemakers when it comes to a dog’s digestive system, as the same happens if they eat the pit from a peach or plum.

It’s even worse: peach and plum pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous for both people and dogs. The only difference is that humans know better than to eat them, while dogs don’t.

Raw Eggs

If you ever considered feeding your dog a “raw diet”, don’t. It’s extremely harmful. In fact, the biggest veterinary medical associations would recommend against it because feeding your dog raw eggs or raw meat (see below) might cause them salmonella or E. coli.

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