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15 Foods You Should NEVER Share With Your Dog

Photo by ivan_kislitsin from Shutterstock


Most people already know that chocolate is very bad for dogs, but few people know exactly what’s wrong with it.

Well, the problem is that chocolate has theobromine, and this substance can be found in any kind of chocolate, even white. The most dangerous one is dark chocolate, but unsweetened baking chocolate is also dangerous.

Eating chocolate might make your dog suffer from vomiting and diarrhea, but also from heart problems, tremors, seizures, and ultimately, death.

Trimmings and bones

Fat that has been trimmed from meat, whether it’s cooked or not, might cause pancreatitis in your furry pet.

Even if it seems natural to give your dog a little bone, it might choke on it, cause splinters, or cause unwanted harm to your dog’s digestive system.

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