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15 Foods You Should NEVER Share With Your Dog

Photo by beats1 from Shutterstock

Milk and dairy products

When it’s hot outside, you might be tempted to share your ice cream with your dog, but you should resist that terrible urge and give it some water instead.

It’s known that milk and other milk-based products are harmful to dogs, as they might cause diarrhea and other digestive problems for your little puppy.

They might also trigger food allergies, which might cause them to itch.

Macadamia nuts

Make sure you keep macadamia nuts far away from your dog (the same applies to all the other foods and sweets that might have macadamia nuts in their composition).

If you’re curious to know how little it takes to make your puppy feel sick, six raw or roasted macadamia nuts are more than enough.

Try to look for symptoms like muscle shakes, vomiting, and even a high temperature and weakness in their legs.

And worse than that is giving your dog chocolate with macadamia nuts. That might even cause his death.

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