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8 Dog Breeds That Stick to Their Owners Like Glue

Photo by Ellina Balioz from Shutterstock

6. Pug

This furry little one with a flat snout is a true treasure in a human’s home. They may not be the most pleasant-smelling pets, but they are an absolute sweetheart of a dog.

Pugs are known for their boundless enthusiasm for every living creature. They wouldn’t hurt a fly, they are very gentle, don’t bark much, and are crazy in love with their owner.

It is true that they shed their fur quite heavily, but those who adore Pugs, overlook this occasion. They are a small breed of dog that doesn’t require much space as long as they are by their owner’s side.

They generally sleep for most of the day and are not very active when taken for a walk. They have similar behavior to that of a French Bulldog, which is maybe why they are often mistaken for one another.

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