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8 Dog Breeds That Stick to Their Owners Like Glue

Photo by Callipso88 from Shutterstock

7. Giant Schnauzer

If you think that only small dogs are clingy, well, it’s time to reconsider because the Giant Schnauzer is one of the dog breeds that prefer to be in their owner’s presence.

This gigantic and furry puppy is more than pleasant company. They are very loving and caring towards their owners, they love to sleep in bed with them (if there’s room) and prefer to laze around the house all day.

When taken for their daily walk, they take care of their business and then settle in a shady spot, observing their surroundings. They are not aggressive at all; they are calm dogs who don’t enjoy hustle and bustle.

It’s obvious that they have a coat that requires proper grooming, but the best part is that they shed very little. So, don’t worry about having hair all over the house.

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