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6 Dog Breeds You’ll Pay a Fortune to Raise

Photo by Kat_marinina from Shutterstock

1. Tibetan Mastiff

This gentle giant costs a fortune to raise, and this might come as no surprise. Tibetan mastiffs are huge, weighing up to 160 pounds! As you would expect, they need a lot of food. At 4 to 6 cups a day, this makes about 430 pounds per year. In dollars, this would be, depending on the brand of food, $390 per year plus treats.

Mastiffs have a gorgeous double-layered coat that requires extensive grooming. And this can be pretty expensive. For professional grooming services, you might need to pay up to $900 per year.

Besides the expenses listed before, we must add health-related ones. The Tibetan mastiff lives for about 11 years, and they are prone to some health problems such as elbow and hip dysplasia, as well as other orthopedic issues. Canine-inherited demyelinating neuropathy and hypothyroidism can also be cause for concern since they can be more common in this breed.

Tibetan mastiffs are well-known for being a rare breed, and that’s why they are also a pricey breed. If you want to buy a puppy, you will need to spend up to $6,000, and if you manage to adopt one, the price will be around $500.

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