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6 Dog Breeds You’ll Pay a Fortune to Raise

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Photo by CraneBird Studios from Shutterstock

6. French Bulldog

Frenchies are the smallest dogs on this list, but that does not mean they are any less expensive to raise. These cute little puppies are the perfect choice if you live in a small house or apartment.

As we said, Frenchies can be quite expensive. The average cost of a puppy, if you buy it from a breeder, is about $2800. If you decide to buy an adult dog, the price drops to about $1000 to $1500.

These dogs are sweet and playful, but unfortunately, they can have some breed-specific health issues. Their cute little faces are the result of selective breeding and cause respiratory problems. So, be ready to spend some money on the vet if you want them to be healthy.

Monthly prices for supplies and food depend on your budget. If you don’t want to spend a fortune, $200 per month should be enough to provide the best conditions for your buddy.

The best part is that French bulldogs have short coats and don’t need much grooming. You can brush them yourself once a week, and that is more than enough.

You should also read: 6 Subtle Signs Your Dog Has Cancer

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