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These 7 Dog Breeds Have The Shortest Lifespan

Image By Jana Oudova From Shutterstock

5. Irish Wolfhound

This is another breed that dates back to ancient Rome. These dogs were considered noble, and because of this, they were gifted to consuls and kings from all around Europe.

They are fantastic companions, guardians, and hunters. In Ireland and Scotland, they were used for hunting big game, such as the giant Irish elk. Also, there is a legend that sometime around the 4th century, one Irish king named Cormac mac Airt used to have an entire army of Irish Wolfhounds. More precisely, he had 300 hounds.

Unfortunately, these dogs don’t stay around with us for long because they have a lifespan of 6 to 8 years. Because of their genes, the Wolfhounds are more likely to develop bone cancer or von Willebrand’s disease. This condition is a genetic disorder that causes blood clotting.

Hyperthyroidism, bloat, and lymphoma are other conditions that can affect these dogs. Also, according to the Irish Wolfhound Club of America, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for these pups.

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