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These 7 Dog Breeds Have The Shortest Lifespan

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Image By GoodFocused From Shutterstock

6. Great Dane

They are renowned for being the tallest dogs in the world. A male Great Dane can reach 32 inches at the shoulder and weigh around 175 pounds! These pups are indeed great. Great giants. If they stand on their hind legs, they can tower over many humans.

If you look at them, the first thing you will notice, besides their towering stature, is their regal disposition and gait. These dogs are the kings of their castles.

At first sight, they seem scary, but the Danes are highly social and like to spend their time with people and other pets. They are incredible family pets.

If you want a Great Dane, be sure to take care of its athletic needs. They need to run and play. They are true athletes that compete in many dog sports, such as flyball, tracking, or agility.

Since they are big dogs, Danes don’t have the longest lifespan. Generally, they live between 7 and 10 years. Their main health issue is bloat. This is a condition in which the stomach of the dog twists and cuts off the blood supply to other organs.

If you want to get a Great Dane, talk to your vet and learn more about this breed and its health risks.

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