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WARNING: These 9 Dog Breeds Shed The Most Fur

chow chow dog
Photo by otsphoto from

Chow Chow

If you are a dog lover, this breed probably came to mind when we started talking about dog breeds that shed. After all, these Chinese dogs are extremely fluffy, and they are known to shed daily. It is unavoidable given their lion-like mane.

Originally used as guard dogs, they were born in northern China, which explains their plentiful coat, which will need a lot of maintenance on your part or you will risk the puppy getting painful tangles, and the fur can even end up getting matted.

If you want such a dog breed, you probably expect them to shed and to have to clean up the fur. Yet, despite their teddy bear-like appearance, the Chow Chow is very independent, and you will probably not have as many cuddle sessions as you imagine.

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