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8 Dog Breeds That Would Guard You With Their Life

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Photo by Barat Roland from Shutterstock

German Shepherd

Humans are inherently bargain hunters, and German Shepherds are indeed the best deal of them all. When you get this dog, be ready to have a great friend, a faithful companion, and a warm snuggle buddy. You are also fortunate because you will have a natural guardian. 

These canines are among the best guard dogs ever known! Search no further if you want a dog that will protect and love your family and property.

German Shepherds have features bred into them that fit the guard dog pattern perfectly. They are defenders with a strong work drive and are among the most dedicated and loyal canines on the planet.

Since they possess great intelligence, German Shepherds can think freely and solve problems; they are also very trainable. Because of their past as shepherd dogs, they are alert, attentive, and courageous. Their size also helps when we are talking about intimidation and protection.

You should also check out: These 7 Low-Energy Dogs Are Definitely Couch Potatoes

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