Alaskan Malamute
Given their wolf-like coloring and features, it shouldn’t surprise us that the Alaskan Malamute adores howling.
However, it seems that in most cases, they are far too friendly to be good watchdogs. These vocal dogs are extremely outgoing and playful, but also notoriously mischievous.
They are bred for stamina and athletic abilities, and they will flourish with a job to do and plenty of exercise.
American English Coonhound
Commonly known as the Virginia Hound, these dog breeds that howl at the moon were initially bred to hunt foxes and raccoons.
Also known for its endurance and speed, the American English Coonhound loves chasing with determination and howling at the same time.
They are super friendly and pleasant with other dogs and humans alike, but it’s still a rather competitive breed that will need tons of opportunities to run their energy out.