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13 Dog Breeds That Howl at the Moon (and Why)

howl at the moon
Photo by Vladimir Berny from Shutterstock

Norwegian Elkhound

These big-hearted dogs were bred to hunt moose and other large animals in Norway. But whether they’re chasing down big animals or simply playing with their family, the Norwegian Elkhounds adore howling and bowling out their happiness.

They are extremely active and they pack a strong will, which automatically implies a ton of physical and mental stimulation.

They are also extremely loving and affectionate, but they still need firm guidance from their owners. These dogs are great when it comes to agility courses and other types of canine sports.

If you’re the proud owner of a new pup and you’re looking to get the needed essentials, here’s a good start. I highly recommend these dog bowls made from stainless steel.

Do you want to read other articles? If so, we recommend you read this: Best Dog Foods in America, According to Vets

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