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13 Dog Breeds That Howl at the Moon (and Why)

breed howl at the moon
Photo by everydoghasastory from

Basset Hound

They were originally developed to hunt small animals like rabbits. The Basset Hound is probably one of the most active but gentle dog breeds that you can have, and they also howl at the moon! And just like many other hunting hounds, they can be extremely vocal and loud.

These iconic, mournful-faced pooches are extremely affectionate, and they love spending time at home with their owners.

At times, you might see a Basset Hound that needs extra encouragement to stay active and keep a healthy weight, so make sure you praise them everytime you can!


Beagles are hardy and compact breeds. They were originally bred as scent hounds for tracking small game.

They are extremely cheerful, upbeat dogs that simply love singing when they catch an exciting scent. If you want to properly take care of a Beagle, you will have to provide tons of exercise and patient training.

Beagles are commonly known for following interesting scents, so a fenced-in yard and a little bit of extra care with off-leash adventures might be recommended.

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