Even if many think that Dachshunds are nothing but sweet and small, they’re much more than that!
As a matter of fact, they were originally bred to hunt badgers and other tunneling creatures. Some of them even trailed packs of Dachshund to hunt wild boars.
Dachshunds can be tough and loud at times, mostly because they howl at the moon a lot, but their versatility and friendliness with kids can also make them amazing family dogs.
Finnish Spitz
The Finnish Spitz was originally bred to hunt a wide range of large and small game, and they were also thaught to loudly notify their owners when they found something.
Even if they’re known to howl at the moon, they are also super vocal communicators, and many fans love them exactly for their “talkative” personalities.
They are lively and agile and love taking part in different activities with their own family. They are rarely aggressive, yet protective, which makes them wonderful watchdogs.