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Stop Making These 7 Mistakes With Your Puppy!

Photo by alexei_tm from

#3 Neglecting Daily Walks

Daily outside strolls are just as healthy for yourself as they are for your dog, but when life gets busy, they sometimes become one of the last things to go. This is a significant error. If your dog hasn’t lately vented his mental, bodily, and social energies outside, no matter how intelligent, enthusiastic, or loving he is, he is unlikely to try to learn or remain well-behaved. You’ll thank yourself and your dog for making daily walks a priority!

When a walk is impossible due to work, the weather, or your tiredness, there are some simple alternatives to spending some time with your pup and encouraging him to exercise.

Play a quick round of fetch in your garden, if you have one. It does not require travel and can be done with your dog at any time. 

Play a game of hide-and-seek. Allow your dog to explore the house as you hide some snacks there. Or ask him to find your spouse or children. Playing at home, both inside and outside is simple if he practices nose work.

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