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Stop Making These 7 Mistakes With Your Puppy!

Photo by Matt Benoit from

#5 Overfeeding

Especially if it’s your first dog, you may assume that your puppy won’t mind if you give him a few extra treats or leftover table scraps. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention estimates that 56% of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese, indicating the severity of the issue of pet obesity.

And even a small amount of extra weight can result in a number of health issues for dogs. The American Veterinary Medical Association states that being overweight can shorten a dog’s lifespan and make it harder for them to live a long life and manage common health conditions including arthritis, joint pain, and injuries.

Therefore, feeding your dog a balanced diet made of top-notch ingredients is the smartest thing you can do for their long-term well-being. Aside from making sure they get adequate exercise, you should avoid giving them any extra snacks or table scraps. For guidance on the best and safest approach to losing weight if your dog presently has a weight issue, speak with your veterinarian.

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