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Stop Making These 7 Mistakes With Your Puppy!

Photo by Melounix from

#4 Not Traing Your Puppy Right Away!

Starting training at any age is good. When you bring your pup home, they have more than enough capacity to pick up new skills. Although, you might forget obedience if you are too preoccupied with potty training. Puppy misbehavior is, after all, hilarious and enjoyable. What good is it to wait until later to worry about basic concepts?

Well, once your dog grows up a bit, those adorable shenanigans will swiftly become bothersome behaviors. When a puppy nibbles, it develops into an adult bite, and when a puppy pulls enthusiastically on the leash when walking, the adult dog might dislocate your arm.

As soon as you bring your puppy home, begin teaching them basic manners, training for alone time, and skills like sitting, lying down, and staying. Let your dog know what you want from him as well as how to make you pleased; it’s only fair. 

Positive training techniques will also stimulate your puppy’s mind and help him learn to concentrate on you instead of his surroundings. Also, it helps you both develop a close relationship.

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