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Stop Making These 7 Mistakes With Your Puppy!

Photo by Masarik from

#6 Not Getting Your Dog Comfortable With Grooming

Giving a dog a bath, grooming its coat, cutting its nails, and brushing its teeth may seem like simple duties, but these activities all contribute to our dogs’ overall health and appearance. In addition, pet care must always include grooming.

The health and mobility of your dog may suffer if its nails become too long and aren’t cut. In a similar fashion, your dog is more likely to have dental problems if its teeth aren’t brushed regularly. Brushing your dog’s fur assists in removing dead hair and preventing matting, depending on the type of hair your dog has.

But it’s not always easy to convince your dog to engage in all these grooming procedures, especially if they are already prone to anxiety when confronted with new people or places. Because of this, it’s essential to start your dog’s grooming experience early on, whether it’s at home with you or with a specialist.

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