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6 Deadliest Animals in Florida to Watch Out For

Photo by reptiles4all from Shutterstock

Venomous snakes

Hold on tight, as you’ll be shocked to find out that the average number of snake-related deaths is a minimum of 50,000 a year! I know the number is astronomical, but that’s the sad truth.

At least in the United States, there’s access to some kind of antivenom, and even if we do have venomous speeches like timber rattlers and cottonmouths, these aren’t the worst snakes in the whole world.

All over the world, there are the “Big 4”, which are 4 species of snakes that are held responsible for over 75% of snakebite casualties. We’re talking about Russell’s viper, common krait, Indian cobra, and saw-scaled viper.

Each and every one of these snakes can be found in India, where they easily get in contact with urban areas with many people.

Only in the U.S., there are around 7,000 to 8,000 venomous snake bites every year, out of which only 5 are fatal.

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