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6 Deadliest Animals in Florida to Watch Out For

Photo by bebek_moto from Shutterstock

The Burmese python

The Burmese pythons aren’t native to Florida, but they live in the state. Did someone say big snakes? Because they are HUGE!

They can easily grow 6-9 feet long. The longest one ever recorded in Florida had 18 feet. Besides, they’re not really skinny snakes, in fact, some of them are thick as a telephone pole. They aren’t venomous, but they might bite if they feel threatened.

Pythons are constrictors, so they kill their prey by wrapping around them until they can’t breathe anymore.

Then, they release their prey and eat them whole. As the United States Geological Survey showed, there haven’t been any fatalities caused by Burmese Pythons in Florida.

However, pets, such as dogs and cats, have been the victims of these dangerous snakes, so they have been known to be an invasive species.

If you ever see one, you should report it to the authorities and get to a safe place as soon as possible.

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