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6 Deadliest Animals in Florida to Watch Out For

Photo by jo Crebbin from Shutterstock

The Florida panther

The state animal is the famous Florida panther. Mountain lions can grow to be as big as 60-160lbs and 5-7 feet.

Given that Florida panthers are endangered, cases, where humans get in contact with these animals, are extremely rare.

They are also protected in Florida, as there are only 120-230 left. If you really want to meet these rare animals, you can visit anytime the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park.

Deadly underwater animals

Florida has the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Gulf of Mexico to the west. So, when it comes to dangerous underwater creatures, you probably think of sharks.

But don’t worry, there are WAY MORE deadly animals! In fact, let’s see what are the most dangerous marine animals:

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