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Designer Dogs: 9 Adorable Dog Breeds Created by Humans

dog breeds created by humans
Photo by Ana Bencina Kosmac from Shutterstock

1. Akita

One of the most adorable dog breeds created by humans, the Akita is a large, powerful Japanese breed developed in the 17th century. These animals are known for their independence, courage, and loyalty.

Akitas are generally brown, white, or brindle. With a thick, double coat that is weather-resistant, these dogs were originally bred for hunting large game, such as boars and bears. They were also used as guard gods.

Akitas were so well-regarded that only the imperial family and its court members were allowed to own them. Reserved with strangers, these dogs are loyal, affectionate, and protective of their owners. They require early socialization and firm training due to their independent nature.

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