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Designer Dogs: 9 Adorable Dog Breeds Created by Humans

anatolian shepherd
Photo by Tehsin Baravi from Shutterstock

2. Anatolian shepherd dog

No. 2 on the list of dog breeds created by humans is the Anatolian shepherd. Goat and sheep herders in Anatolia (also known as Asia Minor, the Asian portion of Turkey) developed this territorial and protective dog as a livestock guardian.

Prior to WWII, the US Department of Agriculture brought into our country a breeding pair from Turkey as part of a top-secret “Sheepdog Project,” and this is how American history began.

As one of the most courageous dog breeds created by humans, Anatolian shepherds are known to intimidate their adversaries rather than fight them. They are devoted, smart, adaptable, and responsive. They will protect their family, smaller dogs, and even the family cat. Owners must be strong leaders, able to handle a dog as demanding and dominating as the Anatolian shepherd.

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