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Designer Dogs: 9 Adorable Dog Breeds Created by Humans

portuguese water dog
Photo by Brook Robinson from Shutterstock

4. Portuguese water dog

The biddable and bright Portuguese water dog was bred to be an all-around fisherman’s helper. As their name suggests, these dogs once lived along Portugal’s coast, and because of their strength and work ethic, fishermen depended on them to retrieve lost tackle, herd fish into nets, and act as messengers between ships and shore. They are also one of the most intelligent dog breeds created by humans.

Eventually, their duties changed, but they are still used for water rescue to this day. The robust, medium-sized body is covered by a coat of tight curls.

The Portuguese water dog is very smart and “biddable,” meaning they are easy to train and eager to please.

Keep reading to discover other adorable dog breeds created by humans!

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