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7 Most Dangerous Spiders in The World

Photo by Pong Wira from Shutterstock

Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles reclusa)

The brown recluse spider is definitely one of the most dangerous species in the United States. Its venom has the power to destroy the walls of blood vessels that are near the site of the bite, sometimes even causing skin ulcers.

Research that dates back to 2013 proved there’s a certain protein in spider’s venom that targets phospholipid molecules, which consist of a very good portion of cell membranes, and then transforms these molecules into simpler lipids.

The wound produced by the bite might need several months to heal, which could eventually lead to the death of the victim. Luckily, deaths caused by brown recluse spider bites are extremely rare.

The majority of brown recluse spiders, also known as violin spiders, are found in western and southern America.

On the front half of the body, you will see a dark violin-shaped design, which is the “neck” formed by a conspicuous furrow on the midline of the sider’s back.

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