Yellow sac spider (Cheiracanthium inclusum)
Yellow sac spiders are officially known as Clubionids, which is a family of spiders (from the Araneida order) that ranges in body length from 3 to 15 mm, and they’re very good at building silken tubes under stones, in leaves, but also in the grass.
This particular type of spider is found throughout America, but also in Mexico! And, of course, it’s worth mentioning that they’re venomous to humans and it stays indoors.
The spider’s venom is basically cytotoxin, which is a substance that ruins a cell or impairs its function. It can produce necrotizing lesions, but these kinds of lesions rarely occur in bite victims. However, redness and swelling are rather common reactions.
They are NOT docile creatures at all, as female yellow sac spiders, for instance, could bite just to defend their eggs.