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7 Most Dangerous Spiders in The World

Photo by Martin Pelanek from Shutterstock

Brazilian Wandering Spiders (Phoneutria fera and P. nigriventer)

These species are also known as banana spiders, mainly because they’re frequently found on banana leaves.

Their defensive posture is aggressive, as they raise their front legs up in the air. Phoneutria are super poisonous to humans, and they are thought to be the deadliest spiders in the world.

Their venom is SO toxic to our nervous system, that it instantly causes salivation, irregular heartbeat, and extremely painful priapism in men. Scientists are still trying to find a way to use the venom of P. nigriventer as a possible treatment for er*ctile dysfunction.

The worst nightmare you could ever have actually happened to one family in London, England: they had to move out of their own home, so it can be properly fumigated, as there was a heavy infestation of small Brazilian wandering spiders.

It seems that an egg sac deposited in a banana bunch arrived at the family’s local grocery store.

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