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9 Adorable Cat Breeds That Love to Cuddle With You

Photo by Viktor Sergeevich from

#3 Bombay

The perceptive Bombay enjoys studying its environment and taking in the passing scenery with its stunning emerald eyes, which are usually wide and curious. This breed is calm but loves to play, and most importantly, it adores attention. 

The Bombay can sometimes be demanding of its owner’s attention and will readily climb up on their lap to get it. They never grow tired of being caressed and petted. This breed will alternate between cuddling up on your lap and stretching out so you can touch their beautiful fur. Once they’ve stretched themselves, they’re happy to sit for hours.

If you enjoy having a chatty cat follow you around the house and are around the majority of the time to give a Bombay the company it needs, this cat will make the ideal friend.

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