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9 Adorable Cat Breeds That Love to Cuddle With You

domestic shorthair
Photo by Isabella Marlene from

#2 Domestic Shorthair

Cats with mixed genetics known as Domestic Shorthairs are not classified as a specific breed. They are frequently referred to as “moggies,” but some people may term them “mutts” in the cat world, which is unfair considering these felines can be just as lovely and cuddly as a pure breed. In your neighborhood’s rescue facility, you can frequently find Domestic Shorthairs.

Any type of cat in need of rescue can often be one of the friendliest, cuddliest cats around. Whether they are friendly strays, abandoned by their owners, or rescued as kittens, rescue cats can be highly affectionate and, after a time of adjustment, frequently form close ties with their adoptive parents. If you want a cat that is grateful to be in a warm house and curled up on the couch with you, a rescue cat might be the way to go. 

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