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Flying With Pets: 7 Rules to Know Before Your Next Trip

Photo by Javier Brosch from Shutterstock

1. Buy a secure kennel that is allowed on the plane

If you’d like your pet to feel comfortable and safe, you should buy a quality kennel. Actually, the comfort of your pet should be your main concern when going on a plane trip. When buying the kennel, keep in mind that your pet needs room to sit, move, stand, and lie down.

Also, the door must lock securely. This is a very important aspect. If your pet escapes and causes trouble, you might get banned from the airline, and we are sure that you don’t want that to happen.

Since we were talking about airlines, did you know that most of them have standards for kennel size? Usually, the limit is somewhere around 9 inches in height and a weight of 13 inches by 19 inches long. These are the measurements for the maximum limit allowed; if you want a smaller kennel, you are good to go.

Click on the next page and find out one of the top tips you may get about traveling with your pet!

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