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Flying With Pets: 7 Rules to Know Before Your Next Trip

Photo by Javier Brosch from Shutterstock

3. The bathroom trips

Plane trips are stressful and can cause a lot of anxiety for everyone, but be sure that your pet will be more affected than you are. This can be an incredibly upsetting event for your cat or dog, and that’s why, it’s essential to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

If you want your buddy to feel okay during the flight, bathroom visits are key. How would you feel if you were not allowed to use the restroom during an entire 12-hour flight? Probability is not so good, and this is also the case for your furry friend.

The first thing that you can do is put an absorbent liner or puppy pad inside the kennel. If there is an emergency, these items will do their job. Also, if you have a pup, there is not much to do about this. But if you are traveling with a cat, be aware that there are litter boxes specially designed for flights and travel.

You can use these disposable litter boxes at the airport before the flight. Most airports have family bathrooms where you can allow your cat to do their business prior to the trip.
Do you know what to do if your cat or dog gets anxious during the flight? Stay with us if you want to find out more.

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