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Flying With Pets: 7 Rules to Know Before Your Next Trip

Photo by Rawpixel.com from Shutterstock

6. Try to book the best flight

So, you want to fly with your furry friend. The booking of the flight is the first step that you have to take and is also one of the most important ones. Try your best to book the flight a few weeks or months in advance. In this way, you and your pet will have enough time to prepare. First of all, they will have to get used to the carrier, and in some instances, this is not an easy task.

One wise tip you should take into account is to book a direct flight. Fewer stops and disturbances mean less anxiety and stress for your companion. Also, try to get a weekday flight. We say this because, during the week, airports tend to be less crowded and hectic.

Always check on the phone with the flight company before buying a ticket for your pet. Ask questions about flying with your furry friend. You need to be sure about every small detail. Doing this will help you avoid future problems.

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