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Flying With Pets: 7 Rules to Know Before Your Next Trip

Photo by Aleksey Boyko from Shutterstock

4. Be prepared in the case of severe anxiety

Plane trips can be incredibly stressful for humans. Now imagine how stressful they can be for your pet. Because of this, you need to be prepared for everything. When getting ready for the trip, don’t forget to take their favorite toys with you. Also, be sure to have enough water and food for the entire flight.

Long trips can cause a lot of anxiety for pets. Imagine being stuck inside a kennel for a few hours, knowing nothing about what is happening. We advise you to talk to your veterinarian before the flight. If you know that your buddy is not handling trips and traveling well, they might get some sedatives prescribed or CBD supplements.

Have you ever considered the next tip? Check it out on the next page, and tell us your opinion in the comments section!

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