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6 Cleaning Tips Every Cat Owner Should Know

Photo by Boyloso from Shutterstock

#1 Brush your cat regularly

This is self-explanatory. Your cats will shed, and if you want to keep everything neat, brushing is an essential activity. This example is already overused, but do you want to have your new couch covered entirely in cat hair?

We know that some cats don’t like to be brushed, but fortunately, there are some tricks that you can use. The best one that we can think of is the brush glove. These are usually easier to use, and your cat won’t be able to bite you through them. Also, they are softer and won’t hurt the cat.

If you brush your feline companion a few times per week, they might actually start to enjoy this activity and even want more of it. After all, it is just like when you pet them, but it is practical at the same time.

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