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6 Cleaning Tips Every Cat Owner Should Know

Photo by SashaMagic from Shutterstock

#3 You can use duct tape to remove hair

Duct tape is magical! We all know that you can use it to fix almost anything. Now you can even “fix” your beloved furniture or clothes; by that, we say that duct tape is very efficient at cleaning your cat’s fur. In case you don’t own a lint roller, this is the second-best choice.

And since we are talking about this, another method for cleaning lint and hair is to use a pair of rubber gloves. You already have them somewhere in your pantry. So, in this way, there is no need to spend additional money. We like the low-cost solutions!

The way you can use rubber gloves for this task is very simple. You put them on your hands and then wipe down whatever you want to clean, from curtains and furniture to that expensive coat you want to wear to your cousin’s wedding. Static electricity will do most of the work for you.


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