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7 Perfectly-Timed Photos Proving The Power of Mother Nature

Image Courtesy of Reddit

#1 Albino and Melanistic baby alligators

These types of animals are extremely rare. And to be able to have both of them at the same time in one picture is even rarer! This is one for the history books, as not only are such conditions very rare in animals and humans alike but finding them at the same time is almost unheard of.

Albinism is the medial term that defines a human or animal with extremely light skin pigmentation, while melanism (which is a newer term) defines the opposite, which gives a dark complexion to the animal that has it when it should not be present.

Melanism is something that can easily be seen in black panthers, which are just melanistic jaguars or leopards.

For alligators, it is something that happens so rarely that we can only see albinism in 300 of them worldwide, with melanism being reported only 30 times!

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