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7 Perfectly-Timed Photos Proving The Power of Mother Nature

Image Courtesy of Reddit

#3 From tiny to HUGE!

We know this itty bitty fish in the picture doesn’t look like it could end up being one of the biggest fish out there, but believe us, it is up there! What you are actually looking at is a baby swordfish. And no, we are not pulling your leg. Mothet nature did us in with this one, especially when you take into consideration the fact that this is not its tiniest version.

Swordfish begin their journey as the size of a microorganism and grow to be the massive fish we are accustomed to seeing! When you take into consideration the fact that in adulthood they can end up weighing around 1000 pounds, it becomes even more unbelievable that this is what they look like as babies.

And when you realize that there are even bigger fish out there, it truly puts into perspective the idea of growing up to be huge!

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