#4 Baby Alligator Snapping Turtle
Isn’t this the cutest little dragon you have ever seen? However, it is not a dragon, and no matter how close it looks to the CGI-generated dragons, we wouldn’t put it past Hollywood to have taken inspiration from this little cutie.
And before you think that this little one is fake too, we assure you that it is real. Alligator snapping turtles have been around for years, and their reported lifespan can be up to 200 years! Not only that, but they can also end up around 200 pounds, with the Shedd Aquarium (that’s in Chicago) reportedly having some that weigh even 245 pounds!
So if you want to see these dragon-like animals that Mother Nature created, you can go see them there. However, you are unlikely to see any of these tiny creatures. The babies are small, and they will probably be hanging around a food source and not moving too much. After all, they are turtles. The baby-sized alligator snapping turtles eat small fish, earthworms, and even tadpoles, only graduating to bigger food after they enlarge.