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Want The Most Adorable Puppy? Get One Of These 8 Dog Breeds!

Image By Alexandra Morrison Photo From Shutterstock

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

They are cute, they are fluffy, and they have a heart of gold. These little pups are well-known for their huge and gentle eyes that can melt even the toughest person. Really beautiful and graceful, these dogs look like real aristocrats.

Spaniels are empathic and get along well with kids and other dogs. They also like to sit in your lap and enjoy a good session of cuddling. But don’t be fooled by this appearance. They are also energetic and like to run around, making them perfect for more active people.

They don’t like to be left alone for too long, so they live their best life in a two-pet home or with an owner who is at home most of the time.

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