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Want The Most Adorable Puppy? Get One Of These 8 Dog Breeds!

Image By ANURAK PONGPATIMET From Shutterstock

5. Siberian husky

Sibes have gorgeous, thick coats that help them survive the coldest environments. Probably all of you imagine a Husky in a snowy landscape. This breed was and is still used to pull light loads, such as a sled, in the snow. This activity is conducted in packs because a single husky will never pull a sled on its own.

Because they have this pack instinct, these dogs are really sociable and enjoy spending time with their family and with other dogs. Generally, they are affectionate and curious, but sometimes they can have a more independent and mischievous side.

Another thing about Sibes is that even if they don’t bark often, they are known for being howlers. They are very vocal, and sometimes the sounds they make can resemble singing.

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