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6 Weird Dog Laws That Might Get You in Prison

Image By alexei_tm From Shutterstock

1. Is your dog annoying? Welp, you might have problems

Connecticut is sometimes referred to as the “Constitution State” due to the Fundamental Orders of 1638-39, which served as the structure for the first organized government and were created by a Connecticut representative body.

The state constitution has changed over time, particularly in the last 200 years, in order to maintain order in a place with a growing population, and new laws have been added. Probably some of them are still available today, but others could be totally ridiculous.

For example, according to Connecticut Liquor Control Act Chapter 545, “town or probate records shall not be kept in any room in which alcoholic liquor is sold, nor in any room from which there is direct access to a room in which such liquor is sold.” This law was repealed on October 1, 2002, but this doesn’t mean that there are no more unusual laws left.

In the capital city of the state, Hartford, you are not allowed to have an annoying dog. But what is the meaning of this? Well, if your canine companion has some habits that can annoy people, cars, or animals, you might be in trouble. It is all written here in Section 22–326.

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