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6 Weird Dog Laws That Might Get You in Prison

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2. In New Jersey, you can be buried right beside your dog

This next one might be a little grim, and it’s also not the only one on the list regarding a darker topic, but the state of New Jersey doesn’t have any laws that specifically forbid humans from being buried with their pets. So, if you wish to be together with your pup even in the afterlife, here you go! Obviously, this is true only if you don’t mind being buried in a pet cemetery.

Still, you have to keep in mind that if this is your last, you need to be cremated first. This is the only rule. Actually, there are a lot of celebrities who are buried with their beloved pets, such as Billie Burke, Irving Berlin, or Eddie Canto. 

One famous pet cemetery in New Jersey is the Clara Glen Pet Cemetery. The stars mentioned above all rest there. Since there are so many showbiz animals and famous people, the Clara Glen is kind of a tourist attraction in the area.

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