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The 7 Most Independent Dog Breeds

Photo by WildStrawberry from Shutterstock

Afghan Hound

We all recognize them by their unmistakable long hair and allure. With their icy stare, they might even appear aloof to some. These dogs look like they are straight out of fashion magazines!

If you are looking for a companion that can stand to be alone for a few hours and also enjoys spending time with you and your family, the Afgan Hound might be the right choice for you. They like to have their own space, and they also respect your need for space. Isn’t that great?

Even though they are so independent and don’t mind being left alone, they are still quite playful and don’t say no to a round of fetch. That is why it is not advised to let them home alone for too long because they will get bored and probably try to make their own fun, meaning they might break and destroy stuff.

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