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The 7 Most Independent Dog Breeds

guard dog
Image By Oksmaster From Shutterstock

Akita Inu

Do you remember Hachiko? If your answer is yes, then you are aware of how loyal these dogs can be. Maybe because of that, you might think that the Akita Inu is a breed that is clingy and would not let you alone for even a second. But this is not true. They are actually quite independent and enjoy their alone time.

Akita Inu comes from the Land of the Rising Sun, where it was trained to protect the most important people in the kingdom, like the emperor and the royal family. They were also used to hunt bears and scare off large predators.

These canines are not the social butterfly type, and while they enjoy the company of their owners, they usually dislike being around other dogs. Also, they sometimes have problems socializing with little kids.

If left home alone, the Akita Inu will guard your yard and home. “Taking a nap and then starting patrolling again” is going to be their mantra.

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