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5 Most Dangerous States for Your Dog to Live in

Photo by Dmitrijs Kaminskis from Shutterstock

4. Idaho

Idaho is known to be the state with the highest dog ownership in the entire US, but this doesn’t mean that The Gem State knows how to take care of its dogs and other pets.

Again, the animal protection laws are weak and don’t really ensure the safety of the animals at all. In the event that a first-time offender abuses an animal and is convicted for their behavior, there are no low-level laws that would punish them. However, if they repeat it and abuse an animal for the second time, they can get a $5,000 fine or three years in prison.

There are no laws regarding the safety of neglected or abandoned animals. The owners who abandoned their pets and were convicted because of that can adopt another animal anytime without any problems.

Also, if your dog doesn’t like hot weather, Idaho is not the best place for him because the summers are dry and scorching, and this can affect the dog in a negative way.

Moreover, canine brucellosis can be found in Idaho. This is an infectious disease that attacks the reproductive system and can make your dog infertile.

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