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5 Most Dangerous States for Your Dog to Live in

Photo by SevenMaps from Shutterstock

3. Wyoming

If we take a quick look at the animal laws from there, the Cowboy State is still stuck in the Wild West era. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund and the Humane Society of the United States, this state is one of the most dangerous and worst choices if you want to own pets there.

Just like Mississippi, Wyoming does not punish animal owners who abandon their pets in any way. What is worse, those who were convicted of animal abuse don’t need to give up the pets they abused.

Another factor that makes Wyoming not the best place to stay with your dog is the freezing temperatures. During the winter, the harsh weather brings with it temperatures that can be as low as -66° F! These temperatures are not appropriate for pets, and if you’re walking your dog through the snow, it can suffer from frostbite or hypothermia.

Check out these amazing dog shoes! They come in many sizes and could be perfect for ice-cold weather.

Besides the very cold weather and the terrible animal laws, the wildlife in Wyoming can easily spread serious diseases to your dog. For example, if your dog comes in contact with an infected skunk or bat it can get rabies.

Also, scientists from the University of Wyoming studied dogs from the northern region of the state and found out that Echinococcus cases are rising. This disease is caused by a type of small tapeworm, and dogs can get it from foxes and coyotes. If left untreated, this condition is fatal for dogs.


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