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7 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Become Obese Overnight

Photo by LightFieldStudios from Envato Elements


Beagles are some of the most popular hunting dogs in the world, even if they are not used for hunting as often as they once were. These dogs are extremely affectionate, and they make great family dogs. Yet what a lot of owners forget about the good ol’ beagles is that they are also a very energetic breed.

Known for their high energy, beagles require a lot of exercise, both to be able to let out all that pent-up energy and also to avoid getting overweight. They are also known to have big appetites, and if you have ever been around a beagle, you know they do not shy away from using their puppy eyes to get something to eat even if they have already eaten.

Too little exercise and too much food can easily lead to your beagle turning fat seemingly overnight, and getting them back to a healthy weight can be a struggle. Moreover, with age, they end up becoming more and more sedentary, and they will lose muscle mass, which will make them more prone to getting fat.

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