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7 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Become Obese Overnight

Image By James Player From Shutterstock


Also known as the wiener or sausage dog, or more traditionally as the badger dog or doxie, the Dachshund is characterized by its long body and little legs. They were not meant for any sort of strenuous activity, like long-distance running, leaping, or long-time swimming, but they make great hounds and are known to be excellent watchdogs.

Because of their small legs, they cannot withstand too much exercise at a time, but this does not mean that you should not provide them with plenty of walks and playtime as they are a breed that is prone to gaining weight, which can end up being extremely dangerous for them.

Extra weight can cause them mobility issues and even lead to slipping while walking and ruptured discs in their backs, which are extremely painful.

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